Sunday, June 5, 2011

Summer has official begun.

Kids are off to grandparents house ( well 2/3rds of the kids anyway lol) no more early mornings 5 days a week, no more rushing home to make sure we can pick everyone up on time. Its officially summer. Life is good.

I have a lot to catch you all up on. Lets begin. Wednesday I decided [for once] to check my email within seconds of it coming into my blackberry. This was probably the best decision I could have made, there was an email informing me I had won tickets to the Rihanna concert!! ok now before you scream at me its a scam, its not. I am on a lot, its a check in site where you can 'check into' shows and movies and such and in return get stickers. Now before you ask yes I am 8 years old I love stickers. Love them. Anywho one of the stickers I earned was a contest sticker I had to 'check into' CeeLo Green and put the city I would like to see him in. Well duh he is coming to Abq with Rihanna July 4th. So I entered the comment hit submit, got my sticker and went about my life. I never win contests so I just was happy with my sticker... But this time *I* won. I nearly peed myself from excitement [ok over exaggeration ]. I had been wanting to go to this concert, but couldn't afford both Maroon 5 AND Rihanna, and since the hubs really likes Maroon 5 we bought those tickets. Well I guess someone decided I should go to Rihanna.. I'm excited!!

Happy part number 2: It was time for the annual drop off of the kids to my parents, well most of our brood. Sadly since we only have my step son half the time and some ridiculous time sharing schedule that we won't get into, and well the baby is too young to go. Anyway, me and the hubs drove our 4 hours to drop them off [official kickstart of summer for me anyway] my mom and dad were nice enough to watch the baby for the weekend so we could get some quality time together. It was lovely, we got some sleep [best part lol] got to watch some movies in the movie theater and eat dinner without picking up a toy every 5 seconds. I have fantastic parents, this I am so grateful for. Anyway I'm rambling... We made a pit stop at Target to pick up some toothpaste and other toiletries while we were killing time to watch a movie. Well, they had an amazing deal on an Acer netbook, originally 229 ( sale price), clearanced out to 174. of course the hubs jumped on that, and I am a proud owner of a netbook. I'd been kinda hinting to the hubs ever since my laptop decided it wanted to be super stupid and lock up on me a lot. Best weekend ever. Can I just say a net book totally rocks? Ok enough bragging

Eeek, so I forgot the best part since school got out. This past Tuesday we took the kids out to Bandelier National Monument , we took a hike around the park, which was pretty awesome, but the best part [well best part depending on who you ask lol] we saw a bear cub. It was pretty sweet, and I'm talking it was feet away from us. It was amazing, then we saw deer just a few feet away It was by far my best hiking experience.





so that is my catch up post. Hopefully I will have more to post about soon. and especially more pictures. :)
Enjoy your start of summer everyone and stay safe!!

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